Straight Outta Crongton
Life's a constant hustle for Mo. Her mum's boyfriend Lloyd is just another man who likes to beat down women; the South Crong streets are fraught with hazards and nasty G's; and when it comes to matters of the heart . . . she's still hung up on Sam. No wonder she's angry so much of the time. Thank god her sistrens, Elaine and Naomi, are on her side: if one of them falls then they all fall. But when things turn ugly and a life is left hanging in the balance, Mo has to face her hot urge for revenge . . . and she might end up losing more than she wins.
Shortlisted for the YA Book Prize 2018
Little Brown UK
Antje Kunstmann Verlag Germany
Au Diable Vauvert France
Recorded Books Audio USA
WFHowes Audio UK

'Straight Outta Crongton is a book full of humour and tenderness. But it deals with tough subjects: domestic abuse, gang violence and its consequences, and the pressures on women trying to keep their families together under extreme circumstances. It is also about the good and the bad sides of unquestioning loyalty. As the violence escalates, Mo learns the power of revenge and makes a decision to take sides.'
Patrice Lawrence, Guardian